Merv's family is huge. His
parents have several brothers and sisters each, and he has more cousins from
one aunt and uncle than I do in my whole family. After fifteen years outside
Mauritius, he wasn't as close to them as he used to be, but since Pierre's accident
we have seen each other a lot more, and I've been learning all kinds of
interesting things from them.
1. How to pick a mango
Sounds easy, right? That is,
until you learn that a mango tree can grow up to 40m tall. Unless you have
incredibly long arms, you need to find another way to do it. If you just get a
big stick, you can bash your mango to the ground, but you risk damaging it in
the process.
What you need is a large
plastic water bottle, cut in half and fastened to the end of your stick, making
a perfect mango-sized cradle. Once the mango is inside the bottle, providing
it's ripe enough, a quick flick of the wrist is enough to detach it from the
tree, and you can lower it down gently.
2. All about bananas
If you've read the blog
before, you'll know I had a bit of an obsession with some bananas growing in my
neighbour's garden. I've moved house now, so will never know what happens to
them, but I did get to assist recently as one of the cousins chopped down a
banana stem. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera for this one though.
The bananas grow on a stem,
like the one above, and after one stem of fruit, the plant is pretty much
useless and needs chopping down. That's not the end though, as, by this time,
the plant will have produced several offshoots which will all be growing new
fruit. In fact, a banana plant can be a bit of a pest in your garden as you
never know where the next one will pop up.
3. How to eat
Merv's family is a perfect
example of how multicultural and religiously diverse Mauritius is. His
grandparents were both Catholic, but one of his aunts married a practising
Hindu, and their daughter married a Muslim. This aunt sadly lost her husband
two weeks before Pierre died, and we were invited to their house during the
traditional prayers which take place after the funeral. Only the immediate
family took part, so I don't really know what went on; we just saw lots of
flowers and fruit offerings and burning incense sticks. We did, however, get to
eat all the delicious food they had prepared, including the seven (vegetarian)
curries which are customary at Hindu events. For each dish we ate, we had to
put a small piece onto a different plate. It was to show that we were sharing
our meal with Ton Kumar who had passed away.
The curries are eaten with ti
puris, which are a bit like chapatis but fried, and served on a banana leaf.
I'd already eaten briani before using my fingers instead of cutlery, but it's a
whole different thing when it's just curry and no rice to stick it all
together. I wanted to fit in as much as possible though so I refused offers of
a spoon. (Unlike one of Merv's cousins who brought shame on his parents by
eating with a spoon while I used my fingers!) Everyone seemed really pleased
that I was making an effort, and it kept them all entertained as well. They all
had their own technique they wanted me to try, and by the end I was doing
pretty well. I learned how to pick up the food with the tips of my fingers only
and to flick it into my mouth using my thumb.
I realise as I write this post
that all I've talked about so far is food! It's a good reflection of how
important eating and sharing food is in Mauritius. And I think it's one of my
favourite things about the country; there's so much that is new to me, and I
want to try as much as I can.
4. Preparing brèdes songes
One of the curries we ate was
"brèdes songes", or taro leaves in English. I'd eaten this dish once
before in a nice restaurant and wasn't really a fan, but the fun thing about
this time was that we actually went walking to pick the brèdes, and I learned
how to prepare them.
We walked near a reservoir in
the north of the island called La Nicolière. It's quite high up so we had some
great views and it was really quiet and peaceful.
I went paddling in the river
with the children while the men did the hard work. I also ate some
"goyaves de Chine" which were growing along the footpath. Apparently
called strawberry guava in English, it was another fruit I'd never heard of.
You need to be careful though; if they're not ripe enough, they taste horrible!
When we arrived back at the
house with our loot, the women of the family sat around a big table in the
garden to begin preparing the leaves for cooking. There was a really nice
friendly atmosphere; everyone laughing and joking and pitching in to help. I
asked if they would show me how to prepare them as well, but they said I should
just watch because my hands would get dirty! I laughed it off and said they
would always wash, and that I wanted to help, so they showed me how to break
the leaf and peel off the woody outer stem, before they were chopped into small
pieces for the pot. It wasn't as easy as they made it look! As I mentioned, the
curries were being prepared for the meal accompanying the prayers the next day.
I was terrified one of the visiting priests would end up with inedible food
because I was so bad at the preparation. I seem to have got away with it though.
They were not kidding about
the dirty hands though - by the time I'd finished, my hands were black. I had
to scrub with wire wool to get it all off. Ouch.
5. Speaking Kréol, or at least
understanding what's going on
This is an ongoing thing. The
first time we visited Merv's family in 2012 I had absolutely no idea what was
happening, or what they were saying about me! Most Mauritians speak French or
English, so I don't really NEED to learn Kréol, but I love languages, and hate
feeling ignorant, so I'm doing my best. Depending on who's speaking, I can
usually understand the gist of a conversation, and I can say 2 or 3 basic
sentences now. However, as with any new language, when there's a big
group of people all talking together, it's almost impossible to follow. The
cousins and nieces are very good about speaking slowly and being patient if I
don't know what they're talking about. I'll write more another day about the
language itself.
The whole family have decided
we should spend more time together, especially now Pierre is no longer here,
and have invited me to visit them whenever I like, with or without Merv. I'm
sure they've got a whole lot more to teach me, and hopefully I can share some
of my own culture with them. A little bit of England in Pamplemousses. Yes,
they actually do live in a village called "Grapefruits", isn't that